Hello there! In this article, I’ll be introducing you to nine different types of birds that you can find in the beautiful province of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Nova Scotia is home to a diverse range of bird species, including both resident and migratory birds.
From majestic birds of prey to colorful songbirds, each of these nine bird species has its unique characteristics and habitats.
So, let’s explore these fascinating feathered creatures together.
Image Name
Blue Jay
American Crow
Atlantic Puffin
Great Blue Heron
Dark-eyed Junco
Northern Flicker
Rock Pigeon
Common Grackle
Types of Birds in Nova Scotia
1. Gannet
Gannet is a huge seabird that calls the province home.
The bird is mostly white, with black wingtips and a bright yellow beak.
With a possible six-foot wing span, it is easily the biggest seabird in the world.
Gannets frequent Nova Scotia’s coastal regions, particularly the Bay of Fundy and the Atlantic Ocean, to get their fish and other marine food.
They flock together and may be seen swooping over the lake or plunging into it to eat.
The gannet plays a vital role in Nova Scotia’s coastal ecosystems by keeping everything in check.
2. Blue Jay
One of Nova Scotia’s most widespread birds is the blue jay.
Its head is black, and its plumage is a brilliant blue with white bands.
This bird may be rather annoying since its loud cries can be heard at any time of day.
Blue Jays are common in the province’s woodlands and other forested regions.
Acorns and berries, among other fruits, are among their favorite foods.
In addition to their ecological value in preserving Nova Scotia’s woods, blue jays play a vital role in the province’s flora and fauna by spreading the seeds of many different species of plants and trees.
3. American Crow
There is a huge black bird that is endemic to Nova Scotia called the American Crow.
From the province’s beaches to its deepest woods, it’s everywhere.
The American Crow is an omnivore that consumes a wide range of foods, including insects, fruits, cereals, and even carrion.
They’re also renowned for their wit and ability to solve complex problems.
Due to their role in spreading the seeds of many different plant and tree species, American Crows have a crucial ecological role in Nova Scotia and are essential to the preservation of the province’s forests.
4. Atlantic Puffin
In Nova Scotia’s coastal regions, you may see the little Atlantic Puffin.
The bird is mostly black and white, with a brilliant orange beak and toes.
Often seen in big groups, puffins live off of fish and other sea organisms.
They play a crucial role in the ecological stability of Nova Scotia’s coastal zones and are hence an essential aspect of the province’s ecology.
The abundance of puffins along the coast of Nova Scotia is another major draw for visitors.
5. Great Blue Heron
A huge wading bird, the Great Blue Heron, may be seen in marshes all around Nova Scotia.
It has a long neck and a pointed beak, and its plumage is a drab greyish blue.
Often found in shallow water, Big Blue Herons are lonely birds that frequently stay stationary.
Aquatic animals like fish and frogs are a staple of their diet.
Being a key player in keeping wetland ecosystems stable, Great Blue Herons play an essential role in Nova Scotia’s ecology.
6. Dark-eyed Junco
Juncos are the common name for dark-eyed sparrows, and they appear in a variety of colors.
They tend to be a grayish hue in the east, however, in the west, they may be any shade from black to white to brown.
The Appalachians, the western United States, and the northeastern states are all permanent homes for dark-eyed Juncos.
During the colder months, those that mate across Canada and Alaska travel south toward the United States.
They are widespread over the continent and may be spotted on the ground in both grassy and forested environments.
Feeders stocked with a wide range of seeds, including sunflower seeds, nyjer, cracked corn, millet, and peanuts, can entice Dark-eyed Juncos to visit your garden.
It’s ideal to use platform feeders or to sprinkle food about the ground.
7. Northern Flicker
Large brown woodpeckers, Northern Flickers, have black patches and a white band on their rump while they’re in the air.
Males also have a red nape of the neck.
Northern Flickers may be identified by the red or yellow tinges on their tails and wings, depending on their geographic origin.
Western birds have red shafts, whereas eastern birds have yellow ones.
Northern Flickers are year-round residents of the United States and may sometimes be seen in Canada during the summer months.
Throughout the wintertime, the Canadian birds go south to warmer climates.
The bent beak of the Northern Flicker is used for digging, and the bird’s primary diet consists of ants, beetles, fruits, and seeds.
8. Rock Pigeon
The wings and the tip of the tail of a Rock Pigeon are black, while the bird itself is a bluish-gray color.
They possess orange eyes and colorful plumage on their throats.
The non-migratory Rock Pigeon may be seen across the lower 48 states, southern Canada, and the South Coast all the way to Alaska.
Urban backyards often attract them because of the abundance of accessible suet on the ground.
Feeding pigeons is illegal in certain municipalities because they are considered a nuisance.
9. Common Grackle
When compared to other blackbirds, the Common Grackle is taller and has a longer tail.
Its bodies are also shiny and iridescent.
Nevertheless, Common Grackles that breed in northern regions such as Canada and the Midwest travel south to spend the winter.
They are a loud bunch that congregates in the branches of trees and feeds mostly on maize.
They are particularly bothersome since they will devour trash.
Widespread forests, fields, marshes, and gardens are all part of their diversified environment.
Throughout the winter, they can congregate by the millions to roost and feed with other blackbirds of various types.
In conclusion, Nova Scotia is a bird watcher’s paradise with a diverse range of bird species found throughout the province.
Whether you’re a seasoned birder or simply enjoy watching birds in your backyard, the province offers something for everyone.
From the impressive Bald Eagle to the cheerful Black-capped Chickadee, these nine bird species provide a glimpse into the unique and varied bird life found in Nova Scotia.
By taking the time to appreciate and protect these feathered creatures, we can help ensure their habitats are preserved for future generations to enjoy.
So get out your binoculars and discover the amazing world of birds in Nova Scotia!
The best time to go birdwatching in Nova Scotia depends on what species you’re looking for. Spring and fall are excellent times to see migratory birds, while summer is a great time to spot nesting birds.What is the best time of year to go birdwatching in Nova Scotia?
There are many great places to go birdwatching in Nova Scotia, including Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Kejimkujik National Park, and the Halifax Waterfront Boardwalk.Where are some good places to go birdwatching in Nova Scotia?
While you don’t need any special equipment to go birdwatching in Nova Scotia, a pair of binoculars can be helpful for spotting birds from a distance. You may also want to bring a field guide or download a birding app to help you identify different species.Do I need any special equipment to go birdwatching in Nova Scotia?
Yes, there are several endangered bird species in Nova Scotia, including the Piping Plover, Roseate Tern, and Bank Swallow. It is important to respect their habitats and follow any guidelines or regulations in place to protect these birds.Are there any endangered bird species in Nova Scotia?
While feeding birds can be a fun and rewarding experience, it is important to do so responsibly. Feeding birds can change their natural behavior and may attract predators. If you do choose to feed birds, use appropriate feeders and avoid feeding them near windows or other potential hazards.Can I feed the birds in Nova Scotia?
Last Updated on May 11, 2023 by Lily Aldrin
I read, with interest, your various articles on bird species and numbers throughout Canada, although you tend to focus on Central and Eastern Canada. There are a couple of glaring errors in your articles, however, both dealing with the Canada Jay. You correctly identified the description of this bird, in two different locations you showed a photo of the common Bluejay, and identified it as the Canada Jay (aka Camp Robber, Whiskey Jack, etc.).
K. Davis, Calgary