11 Types of Wrens in North America

The amazing birds known as Wrens may be seen in a wide variety of settings. Despite their little size, wrens are not afraid to stand up for themselves against much bigger animals.

With the exception of the European Wren, all species of wren are endemic to the New World, which includes both North and South America.

The several Types of Wrens that may be found across North America will be discussed here.

Carolina WrenCarolina Wren
Sinaloa WrenSinaloa Wren
House WrenHouse Wren
Sedge WrenSedge Wren
Bewick’s WrenBewick’s Wren
Canyon WrenCanyon Wren
Marsh-bred WrenMarsh-bred Wren
Little RocksLittle Rocks
Winter WrensWinter Wrens
Cactus WrenCactus Wren
Pacific WrenPacific Wren

Types of Wrens in North America

1. Carolina Wren

Carolina Wren

The shy Carolina Wren is a bird with a light brown underside and a dark brown top.

They stand erect and have a white line across the eyebrow.

Eastern and southeastern North America are home to year-round populations of Carolina Wrens.

Habitat & Food

Carolina Wrens are common in wooded and heavily vegetated regions and often stop at bird feeders in residential yards.

Their primary diet consists of spiders and insects, although they may sometimes snack on frogs, snakes, and lizards.

Carolina Wrens like to make their nests in trees, although they aren’t picky and will use any suitable location, whether natural or man-made.

The nests are typically almost spherical, with a little entrance on one side. Three to seven eggs are laid, and after about two weeks, the chicks are ready to fledge.

Suet, peanut hearts, and hulled sunflower seeds in large tube feeders or platform feeders will bring Carolina Wrens to the garden.

2. Sinaloa Wren

Sinaloa Wren
Credits – ebird

The Sinaloa Wren is a brown bird with darker bars on the tail, a white neck, black and brownish bars on the side of the head, and a prominent white eyebrow stripe.

The Sinaloa Wren is a native of the western coast of Mexico, although it has been seen throughout Arizona.

Sinaloa Wrens are found in deciduous woods, where they forage both on the ground and in the trees for food.

The nests of Sinaloa Wrens are often constructed near those of more aggressive insect species like ants and wasps.

3. House Wren

House Wren

House wrens are small brown birds with dark bars on their wings and tails and a lighter chest and neck. Everyone, male or female, has the same appearance.

In comparison to other species of wren, this one has a less noticeable eyestripe.

House wrens breed in the southern United States and Canada during the summer, then migrate south and into Mexico for the colder months.

Habitat & Food

House Wrens can be found foraging for spiders and insects in your garden, nearby park, or open woods. They are frequently seen bouncing up and down in the underbrush, singing a happy tune as they go.

Beetles, spiders, caterpillars, and flies are just some of the spiders and insects that the House Wren enjoys eating. They get their calcium from snail shells, too.

When vocalizing, House Wrens produce a sequence of discordant sounds that vary in pitch and tempo.

House wrens build their nests in cavities vacated by other birds, such as woodpeckers, or in man-made nesting boxes.

They build their nests from twigs and line them with soft materials; they like to live in lightly forested regions.

They have a two-week incubation period for their 3 to 10 eggs and another 2 weeks before the chicks are ready to fly.

House Wrens might be attracted to your garden by creating brush piles or by erecting a nest box.

House wrens are quite aggressive for their small size, and they will attack bigger birds to acquire the finest nest sites for themselves.

4. Sedge Wren

Sedge Wren
Credits – Wikipedia

The upper parts of Sedge Wrens are darker and include streaking and barring, while the bottom parts are lighter and more uniform in color.

A thin, pale line runs over their brow. Both sexes have comparable physical traits.

Sedge Wrens and Marsh Wrens are visually identical, and both species like damp habitats; however, Sedge Wrens possess striped shoulders, while Marsh Wrens have paler bellies.


A Sedge Wren’s breeding range extends from the southern Canadian prairies and the Midwest to the far eastern United States.

In the winter, they move to warmer climes, often northern Mexico or the southern United States, close to the Gulf or Atlantic Ocean.

The Sedge Wren is secretive and may be found in dense foliage in damp grasslands, meadows, and marshes.

They catch spiders and insects, and they tend to hang around in shallower regions than Marsh Wrens do.

Their music is straightforward, made up of a few quick notes played at the same pitch.

The eggs of neighboring Sedge Wrens may be destroyed if an edge Wren nests too near with its sharp beak.

5. Bewick’s Wren

Bewick Wren

The long, straight, grey tails of Bewick’s Wrens are barred with darker colors, and the birds’ brown backs make them easily recognizable.

They have grey underbellies and white brow lines.

Bewick’s wrens spend the majority of the year in the west and south, though they do make occasional seasonal migrations.

The Bewick’s Wren is a small, brightly colored bird that can be seen hopping from branch to branch and flicking its long tail in the scrub, thickets, and open woodland.

Bees, beetles, bugs, and caterpillars are just some of the insects and larvae that make up their diet.

Their tune begins with a few staccato high notes, then drops to a series of buzzing lows.

Nesting locations include old woodpecker holes, man-made nesting boxes, ledges of rocks, and building cracks. They have a soft interior and are made from grasses and sticks in the shape of cups. It takes about two weeks for the eggs to hatch and another two weeks for the chicks to fledge after hatching.

Suet, hulled sunflower seeds, and mealworms will entice Bewick Wrens to your backyard.

Because of the House Wren’s tendency to eat Bewick Wren eggs, this species has likely declined in the Eastern United States.

6. Canyon Wren

Canyon Wren

Brown and stout, with a white throat and lighter, barred tails, Canyon Wrens are a distinct species of bird. Their tops of heads are more of a greyish brown with spots.

The animals use their short, powerful legs to cling to the rocks. Everybody, male or female, has the same appearance.

They share the rocky habitats of Rock Wrens with another species that is easily distinguished by its white throat and dark belly.

The non-migratory Canyon Wren can be found in the western region from southern British Columbia to Mexico and the western US states.


Canyon Wrens can be found foraging for insects and spiders in rocky areas. Because of the length and strength of their short legs, they are able to cling to and climb nearly vertical rock faces.

Their tune is distinct in that it slows and dips before ending on a few raspy notes.

Canyon Wrens construct their nests from a combination of grasses and twigs and then line them with wool and feathers.

The Canyon Wren is known to raid spider webs and wasp nests for insects to eat.

7. Marsh-bred Wren

Marsh-bred Wren
Credits – Wikipedia

The backs of Marsh Wrens are brown and possess white and black streaks. Their undersides are a drab brown, and they sport the classic wren tail position.

Compared to Sedge Wrens, these birds have longer bills and no shoulder stripes. All share the same physical characteristics.


Marsh Wrens spend their breeding seasons in central Canada and the northern United States and their winters in Mexico and the southern United States.

The Atlantic coast and the western United States may be home to migratory birds that stay put all year.

During their annual migration, they can be seen in the Eastern United States.

Marsh Wrens are typically found in wet areas, where they can be seen clinging to reeds by their feet. Listen for their melodic songs at dusk and dawn among the reeds; they may be difficult to see.

A majority of their diet consists of spiders and insects, which they catch by plucking them from leaves near the water.

Marsh Wren nests are entirely closed off save for a small entrance at the very top. These are woven from various reeds and grasses.

Between three to ten eggs are laid, and the entire process, from hatching to fledging, takes about two weeks.

Marsh wrens can construct up to twenty fake nests made of cattails and sticks, but they only use one of them.

8. Little Rocks

Little Rocks
Credits – ebird

The backs of Rock Wrens are a drab brown with a few darker spots. They are mostly white on the underside, with some buff shading at the lower flanks and belly, and they have to bar on the tail and wings.

They’re distinguished by their dark legs and feet, long, slightly curved bills, and white stripe across the eyebrow.

They’re the same color scheme for both sexes. Whenever they are upset, Rock Wrens start bobbing up and down.


Rock Wrens are restricted to arid, rocky regions of the western United States and southwestern Canada.

They stay put all year in the west and south but head south for the winter in the Midwest and the rest of the central United States.

You can find Rock Wrens in arid, rocky regions with little vegetation.

They get their food by searching cracks in rocks for insects.

They might be able to recite over a hundred songs, each of which consists largely of the repetition of the same sound several times before shifting to a different sound and repeating it several times. The sonic pitches of their songs vary constantly.

Nests of rock wrens are built on the ground, typically in a cavity or depression in rocky areas, and are lined with small stones and then softer materials like wool and moss.

Up to three broods per year and eight eggs are possible for this species.

Their reasoning behind constructing a path to their nest out of stones and other objects is a mystery.

They get all the water they need from the insects they eat, so they don’t need to drink water either.

9. Winter Wrens

Winter Wrens

Small, brown, and stocky Winter Wrens have darker barring on their belly, wings, and tail. They stand on their short, straight tails and have a paler stripe across the bridge of their nose. Everybody, male or female, has the same appearance.

Although the Winter Wren and Pacific Wren are visually similar, they are now considered to be separate species with distinctive songs.

Winter Wrens spend the winter in the eastern United States and the summer in the northeastern United States, Quebec, and Ontario.

The Winter Wren can be found in the dense underbrush of forests and backyards. They forage for spiders and insects among dead leaves and rotting bark.

They have a slow, bubbly, sweet song that can go on for up to 10 seconds, making them similar to Pacific Wrens in style.

The nests of Winter Wrens are compact spheres made of moss, twigs, and grass with a tiny entrance hole. Between one and nine eggs are laid, and the entire process, from hatching to fledging, takes about two and a half weeks.

Native plants and dense vegetation will bring Winter Wrens to your garden.

Nests built by Winter Wrens are spherical with a small entrance and are sometimes hung from trees.

10. Cactus Wren

Cactus Wren

The large size, bold eyebrow stripe, and spotting on the underside of their wings make Cactus Wrens easy to spot.

The backs of these animals are a brownish color with numerous white streaks.

Similar to other wrens, the Cactus Wren’s tail is not held rigidly up. The tails are instead fanning out to display the white tips.


Cactus Wrens are native to arid regions of the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Texas.

In a departure from the norm for wrens, you can find Cactus Wrens perched at the top of a cactus, either singing or feasting on the cactus fruit.

On the ground, they can be spotted rummaging through fallen leaves and other debris in search of spiders and insects.

Typically, the volume of their distinctive buzzy two-tone song increases as the song progresses.

Cactus Wrens build their round, tunnel-like nests in the middle of the desert. Chicks hatch in about two and a half weeks and are ready to fly free by the time they’ve been there for three.

Since they can get all the moisture they need from the insects and fruit they eat, Cactus Wrens are very useful in the desert.

11. Pacific Wren

Pacific Wren
Credits – Wikipedia

In addition to being brown, Pacific Wrens have darker banding on their wings, bellies, and tail. They stand on their short, straight tails and have a paler stripe over the bridge of their nose.

Everybody, male or female, has the same appearance.


The range of the Pacific Wren extends from California to Alaska. The coastal population stays there all year, whereas Canadians living farther inland go south when winter comes.

You may find Pacific Wrens on the forest floor, where they will frequently be buried behind a pile of leaves or a rotten log. The insects, flies, spiders, and bees they eat make up the bulk of their diet.

It’s a long, disjointed song with lots of squeaky, high notes.

Pacific Wrens construct their nests from moss, twigs, and grass sphere with tiny entrance holes in the middle. Between one and nine eggs are laid, and the whole process, from hatching to fledging, takes around two and a half weeks.

Put up a nest box and cultivate some native plants to entice Pacific Wrens to your yard.

When it gets chilly, Pacific Wrens will huddle together for warmth. Several birds may use the same cavity or nest box. More than 30 were discovered in one nesting box.


Being able to observe and hear those little wrens is definitely a pleasure.

It’s incredible that such a little bird is capable of making such a raucous sound. Because they are so shy, that’s how you generally spot one, too.

You listen for them and then attempt to locate them by following the source of the noise.

Throughout the continent of North America, you may find 11 distinct wren species. Seeing any one of these animals in the wild is a fantastic experience.


Exactly how unlike are the house wren and the Carolina wren?

The House Wren, in contrast to the larger and lighter-colored Carolina Wren, is deeper brown overall and has a shorter tail. There’s no white on their chests or brows as there is in Carolina Wrens.

How to identify the bird that most closely resembles a house wren?

Smaller and more rounded than House Wrens, Pacific Wrens also have shorter tails and bills. They are more likely to be found among dense vegetation than in the open or near human settlements, like House Wrens.

Last Updated on March 22, 2023 by Lily Aldrin

About Lily Aldrin

I am Lily Aldrin. I attended Cornell University, where I obtained my degree to become an Ornithologist so I could pursue my love of these magnificent creatures in and out of their natural habitats.

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