How to Get Your Parakeet to Trust You?

If you’ve ever dreamed of building a strong and trusting bond with your feathered friend, you’re in the right place.

In this article, I’ll be sharing my firsthand experiences and practical tips on how to earn your parakeet’s trust.

From the initial steps to creating a nurturing environment, I’m here to guide you through the rewarding journey of establishing a deep and meaningful connection with your beloved parakeet.

Let’s embark on this trust-building adventure together!

How to Get Your Parakeet to Trust You?

1. Don’t Try to Tame Your Bird Right Away

Taming Parakeet

This is the most important tip for all the people out there who are interested in keeping parakeets at home, Parakeets require a few days to a few weeks to get accustomed to the new place same is the case with many other species of animals and even humans.

You must not start taming or training the parakeet until it has settled down and is relaxed in the new atmosphere.

It is best to keep the parakeet in a room where you spend most of your time but remember that the room must not be too noisy as this will scare the bird and make him nervous, when the bird stays close to you he will also get used to your voice which will create a bond between the two you can also play a little music in the house as these birds do enjoy the music and feel comfortable in such an environment.

Always talk politely and slowly with your parakeet when giving him food and water or some treat as this will also help in developing a strong positive association with you

2. Keep the Parakeet’s Cage Near You

Try to position the cage in a family room at first as the bird is now a part of your family but if the room always stays busy with people coming and going in the room and children are used to playing in the same room then this is definitely not a good idea to place the cage over there because the presence of strangers in the room and loud noises will scare this little creature and he will remain nervous and anxious.

In such a scenario the cage must be put in a space where the people don’t gather like the corridor can be a better place in the house.

Always consider your parakeet as one of your family members and take good care of him like your children because only then you can truly tame your little one

3. Set Some Rules

Another important thing you need to do is to develop and implement some parakeet protocols in your house, you can ask your family members, especially the kids not to touch the parakeet as this will frighten him and try not to make loud noises or around the room because these birds get really anxious.

4. Spend Some Alone Time With Your Parakeet

The best way to start the training with your parakeet is by spending some time alone with him you can do so by getting a little close to his cage on daily basis and talking with him politely as this will initiate the process of familiarization and your bird will start to recognize you and when you put the food in the cage make a whistling sound inviting the bird for the meal.

Such little actions will surely work great in the training schedule and your bird will start trusting you after some time.

5. Getting the Parakeet on Your Hand

parakeet eating nuts

After a week or so of the above practice open the cage door once you observe that the parakeet is comfortable with your presence and voice.

Start the process by putting your hand a little inside the cage but never try to move your hand fast or try to catch the bird rapidly as this will surely scare the bird and he will lose all the trust in you right away.

If you feel that the bird is agitated or frightened by your action move your hand out slowly, After a while repeat the procedure until the parakeet tries to reach you’re your hand confidently, It may take a few days before it happens so you must be very patient

6. Luring the Parakeet

Parakeet Apple

Now it’s time to start holding a treat, a piece of some fruit, or a spray millet when you put your hand in the cage and let him take it.

7. Getting the Parakeet Out of the Cage

When you observe that the bird is comfortable then open the door of the cage and put your hand into easy reach forming a gun like the pattern of your hand, that is making a fist and holding the index finger out a little so that the bird can find a suitable place to hop on.

Let the parakeet jump on if he wants to do so. 

You must also rub your finger on the parakeet’s chest to create a soothing effect for the bird and make a connection because this might stimulate the parakeet to move on your hand.

8. Take Precautions Before Opening the Cage

Before opening the cage you must close all doors and windows in the room to prevent the escape of the bird as he will be trying to get out and also to prevent him from any injury.

You must also pull down the curtains on windows in the room and remove any mirrors from the room because once the bird looks into the mirror it will make him anxious and nervous and if he hits the mirror with force there is a chance of severe cuts and injuries to the bird.

Also, cover the furniture in the room with old sheets as the birds can shit if they start flying around the room

9. Allow the Parakeet to Observe his Surroundings

When the parakeet comfortably sits on your hand or finger and you take him out of the cage let him observe his surroundings because will be looking at the things around him very keenly as is the nature of these birds.

When he feels done with his observations it’s time to get him back to his cage slowly and smoothly and when he hops off from your hand you can close the door of the cage.

Important Things to Keep In Mind

1. Keep Your Parakeet Comfortable

Make sure that the cage of your parakeet has space for the bird to move and fly a bit here and there with a proper and fixed place to keep the food and water.

You can get a variety of cages depending upon your need and pocket from the pet supply stores near you. 

Here is the one that I recommend to my readers and also the one I personally use,

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Also, keep in check the temperature of the room where you have kept the cage as it must be around 60 to 70 degrees for the bird to live comfortably.

2. Consider Whether You Want to Clip Your Parakeet’s Wings

Whether you want to clip your parakeet’s wings or not is a very tough decision to make but for this matter, you must discuss it with your veterinarian as he can give you the most appropriate advice and will also detail the pros and cons of clipping the wings or not

You also might worry that the trimming of the bird’s wings causes pain.

The answer is no as the trimming of the wings causes no pain at all if done by a professional.

If you are planning to keep the parakeet for a longer period of time at home then you must opt for the trimming of the wings because it will restrict the parakeet’s flying for a few months till the feathers grow back and will also allow you the freedom to keep the cage door open which will permit the parakeet to explore his surroundings more effectively.


In conclusion, the journey to gaining your parakeet’s trust is a patient and rewarding endeavor.

By consistently demonstrating patience, respect, and understanding, you can create a foundation of trust that will strengthen your bond over time.

Remember, every parakeet is unique, and the process may take longer for some individuals than others.

But the effort you invest in creating a comfortable and secure environment will undoubtedly lead to a deeper connection with your feathered companion.

As you implement the tips and techniques outlined in this article, keep in mind that building trust is a two-way street.

Just as you work to understand your parakeet’s cues and preferences, allow them the space to acclimate to your presence at their own pace.

With time, consistency, and a whole lot of love, you’ll find yourself enjoying the companionship and affection of a parakeet who considers you a trusted friend.

Here’s to the joyous journey of trust-building and the wonderful moments that lie ahead in your relationship with your parakeet!


How long does it take for a parakeet to trust me?

The time it takes for a parakeet to trust you can vary widely based on its personality, past experiences, and your interactions. Some parakeets might start showing signs of trust within a few weeks, while others might take several months. Patience and consistency are key.

What's the first step to gaining my parakeet's trust?

The first step is to create a calm and inviting environment for your parakeet. Place the cage in a quiet area where it can observe your movements without feeling threatened. Spend time near the cage, talking softly and engaging in calm activities.

How can I make my parakeet comfortable with my presence?

Spend time near the cage regularly, maintaining a calm and non-threatening demeanor. Avoid making sudden movements or loud noises. Reading, speaking softly, or even playing soothing music nearby can help your parakeet associate your presence with positive experiences.

Should I hand-feed my parakeet to build trust?

Hand-feeding can be an effective way to build trust, but it should be done gradually. Begin by offering treats through the cage bars and gradually work towards having your parakeet eat from your open palm. Always move at your parakeet’s pace and respect its comfort level.

Can I train my parakeet to step onto my finger?

Yes, teaching your parakeet to step onto your finger is a common trust-building exercise. Use a treat as a lure and offer your finger as a perch. Be patient and reward your parakeet for its cooperation.

Last Updated on August 27, 2023 by Lily Aldrin

About Lily Aldrin

I am Lily Aldrin. I attended Cornell University, where I obtained my degree to become an Ornithologist so I could pursue my love of these magnificent creatures in and out of their natural habitats.

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