8 Types of Yellow Birds in Texas

Because some spawn here in the summertime and others migrate here in the winter, yellow birds can be spotted all year in Texas.

Light-skinned Vireos, Western Meadowlarks, and Great Crested Flycatchers are the yellow birds that are most prevalent year-round in Texas.

The following types of yellow birds are found in Texas.

American Yellow WarblerAmerican Yellow Warbler
Wilson's WarblerWilson's Warbler
American GoldfinchAmerican Goldfinch
Evening GrosbeakEvening Grosbeak
Western KingbirdWestern Kingbird
Common Yellow ThroatCommon Yellow Throat
Hooded WarblerHooded Warbler
Yellow Breasted ChatYellow Breasted Chat

Types of Yellow Birds in Texas

1. American Yellow Warbler

American Yellow Warbler

Adult American Yellow Warblers measure 12 – 13 cm in length and 0.3 – 0.4 pounds in weight.

The entire body is lemon yellow, with faint chestnut stripes on the breast.

Men are smarter than women. In damp woodlands with tiny trees is where you’ll mostly find American Yellow Warblers.

Willow woods are its preferred nesting location in particular.

The Brown-headed Cowbird, a brood parasite, frequently infests the nests of American Yellow Warblers with its eggs.

They do, however, have a special strategy for dealing with this.

They have a history of building a new home just above their previous one, covering both their own eggs and the eggs of cowbirds.

Researchers have also discovered nests that are up to six levels deep!

2. Wilson’s Warbler

Wilson Warbler
Image Credit: Wikimedia

Adults Wilson’s warblers measure 10 – 12 cm in length and weigh 0.2 – 0.3pounds.

With gray-brown wings and a body that is tinged with yellow and green. Men wear black caps.

The best time to see Wilson’s Warblers is during the spring migration, while males are active and vociferous.

Their mating call is a loud, high-pitched “tsee-tsee” that gets clearer toward the conclusion.

These species of males also have a distinctive characteristic that makes them simple to identify.

Just the males have black hats; females may have dark patches or a yellowish wash on their heads.

Wilson’s Warblers prefer to spend their time on the ground or in the forest understory, in contrast to the majority of yellow birds in Texas.

They are, therefore, simpler to see without having to crane your neck!

These birds often nest on the ground.

3. American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch

Adult American Goldfinches measure 10 – 12 cm in length and weigh 0.4 – 0.7 pounds.

Males have a bright yellow color in the summer, with a black crown and black wings.

Without a black crown, females have a duller yellow color. In the winter, both sexes get a light brown or olive tint.

They are recognized by their white wing bar and black wings.

Texas is home to several of these little yellow birds.

The American Goldfinch is one of the backyard birds that are most frequently sighted. Consequently, if you noticed yellow finches in your garden, they were probably American Goldfinches!

Include bird feeders made specifically for goldfinches to draw these golden birds, as they are often frightened off by larger “bullies.” Goldfinches value having spaces that are exclusively theirs!


They are devout vegetarians, which is interesting because their whole diet consists of nuts from the home garden and bird feeders.

These birds’ ability to eat in any posture, including upside down, is one of my favorite characteristics.

4. Evening Grosbeak

Evening Grosbeak

Adult Evening Grosbeak is 16 – 18 centimeters in length and weighs 1.9 – 2.6 pounds.

For the size of an American Robin, both sexes have a huge, thick, conical beak.

Males have a strong yellow stripe above the eye and are black and yellow with a noticeable white spot on the wings.

Females have a greenish-yellow tint on their necks and flanks and are mostly grey, black and white wings.

One of Texas’ most exquisite yellow birds is the evening grosbeak.

In the winter, Evening Grosbeaks may be seen pretty much anyplace in Texas as they forage for food.

Normally, they can be found in the eastern coniferous woods.

Evening Large and powerful beaks are characteristics of grosbeaks.

They can crack eggs that the other birds cannot by using their powerful beaks.

The rare appearance of this species at feeders in Texas, which is a great deal south of where they typically spend the winter, is a delight for backyard birders.

Sunflower seeds on a big platform feeder with space where they can land and eat are a good way to draw them in.

5. Western Kingbird

Western Kingbirds

Adult Western Kingbirds are 7.9 – 9.4 inches in length and 1.3 – 1.6 pounds in weight.

Throughout sexes, ages, and breeding seasons, coloring is constant with brown-gray wings and ash-grey head, neck, and breast.

Lemon-yellow is the color of the belly.

Its outer tail feathers are lined with vertical white bands.


Flycatchers, or birds that capture and devour insects in the air, are Western Kingbirds.

They wait for a nice bug to fly past while perched high in the air. Then they lift off and consume their meal before landing at the same ledge to repeat the procedure.

It’s difficult to overlook their distinctive grey and yellow colors!

6. Common Yellow Throat

Common Yellowthroat

Adult Common Yellow Throats are 0.3 pounds and measure 11-13 cm in length. Even though both genders are yellow and grey, the males may be distinguished by the black mask that covers their eyes.

Males and females also have distinctively different coloration.

You can tell why the Common Yellowthroat is sometimes known as the “Yellow Bandit” just by looking at a male of the species.

The male in Texas stands distinct from other yellow birds thanks to its striking black mask.

Common Yellowthroats move at night in the fall, like the majority of warblers.

They migrate at night to escape predators and bad weather like high winds and temperatures.

The fact that these birds are significantly simpler to identify while sleeping during the day during migration is a bonus for bird watchers.

If you have time, you might also catch a flock of yellow throat migrating at night.

7. Hooded Warbler

Hooded Warbler

Adult Hooded Warblers measure 12 – 13 cm in length and 0.3 – 0.4 pounds in weight.

Males are mostly brown and yellow with a black “hood” around their yellow faces.

The ski-mask-like patterns on male Hooded Warblers make them simple to identify. Because of its timid nature, this species is virtually always cloaked in thick forest cover.

They may be seen by hikers darting between trees in the forest’s understory.

Male Hooded Warblers may be identified by their characteristic black hoods, while females and young birds are more difficult to recognize because of their grey head cap, therefore resembling other, more typical yellow birds in western Texas.

8. Yellow Breasted Chat

Yellow Breasted Chat

Adult Yellow-breasted chats are about 0.8 and 1.1 pounds and 18 cm in length. White lower body, brilliant yellow breast, and olive-gray back.

Compared to most warblers, such yellow birds are bigger and heavier, with a particularly long tail and broad head.

The white “spectacles” surrounding their eyes help Yellow-Breasted Chats to be distinguished from other birds.

These birds choose the deep undergrowth of brambles and thickets to call home.

Since they are silent and reserved the rest of the year, Yellow-Breasted Chats are most likely to be heard or seen in the spring.

To locate a yellow bird in Texas, pay special attention to unprotected perches on power wires and in trees.


Texas is home to a huge number of species of Yellow birds. You may observe a few species of beautiful yellow birds in Texas.

The perfect habitat of Texas attracts more than 20 species of yellow birds to migrate here during different times of the year.


Which yellow bird in Texas has yellow breasts?

Yellow-breasted chats.

What does a yellow bird symbolize?

A yellow bird symbolizes joy, enthusiasm, positivity, and liveliness.

Last Updated on March 22, 2023 by Lily Aldrin

About Lily Aldrin

I am Lily Aldrin. I attended Cornell University, where I obtained my degree to become an Ornithologist so I could pursue my love of these magnificent creatures in and out of their natural habitats.

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