Despite being the smallest state in the union (after Rhode Island), Delaware offers one of the most diverse animal sceneries you’ll ever witness, particularly in terms of birds.
The precise number of types of birds in Delaware is debated, but it is between 390 and 420!
The little state is home to a variety of tourist attractions, including great ancient museums and houses and beautiful beaches. Furthermore, you’ be missing out on a lot if you didn’t take a peek at the state’s diverse wildlife while you were there.
Because you won’t be able to view all 420 species of birds in Delaware, we’ve compiled a list of the topmost prevalent birds in Delaware.
Image Name
Northern Cardinal
American Robin
Tufted Titmouse
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Mourning Dove
Common Grackle
White-throated Sparrow
Carolina Chickadee
House Finch
Carolina Wren
American Goldfinch
Blue Jay
Eastern Towhee
Indigo Bunting
Eastern Kingbird
Common Birds in Delaware
1. Northern Cardinal
In the eastern portion of the United States, this is one of the most frequent and popular backyard birds.
They have a plump body with a full tail that is rather long and a wispy crest that is small, hefty, pointy, and pink. They have a vivid red color that only a few other birds can match. The male’s faces are black, while the females” are grayer.
These birds can be seen in woodlands all around the year. Seeds are chewed with that huge conical bill. You can often notice those cracking sunflower seeds with their powerful beaks.
Black oil sunflower seeds are loved by them, and they always prefer feeding on them. They can also forage on a variety of seeds, nuts berries, and they can also be noticed visiting tray feeders.
These birds are furious defenders, and they are also often seen attacking their own reflections in the mirror. When it comes to defending their territory, they will go beyond their limits. To defend the nesting area, males sing and actively assault intruder males.
Male and female raise their heads high, swing back and forth, and sing gently during wooing; the male frequently feeds the female early in the mating season. Females sing primarily in the spring, just before they begin nesting.
They tend to Nest above ground, sometimes higher, usually well concealed in thick shrubs, vines, or low trees. The female builds the Nest.
2. American Robin
The backs of American Robins are dark grayish-brown, and their wings and tails are also dark grayish-brown. White edging can be seen on the sides and bottom of the tail, which comes from Robin’sRobin’s white rump.
The underside and chest of this bird are tangerine oranges, and the bird’s heads are black with visible eyerings. However, the eyerings appear to have been dropped and smashed into bits. The bills of these birds are medium in size and yellow in color.
Length & Habitat
The length of these birds ranges from 7.9 to 11 inches, with wingspans ranging from 12.2 to 15.8 inches.
Robins can be found in a variety of habitats, with a preference for deciduous and pine forests, although they are also widespread in grasslands, meadows, parks, and farms. They will readily visit backyards if a well-stocked feeder is available. Crushed peanuts, suet, and diced apples are all popular foods that can be left out to entice a Robin to come closer.
3. Tufted Titmouse
The Tufted Titmouse is a tiny songbird that is native to North America. Over its head is a black crest. The body length of a grown-up bird can range between 5.5 to 6.3inches. Males and their counterpart female birds are almost similar when it comes to their physical appearances, bodies, bodies shape, and the color of the plumage.
Pointing out the difference between males and females would be an arduous task if there were no crest in males, which distinguishes them and is absent in females. The upper portion of these birds contains grey color, whereas their bellies are of white color.
The Tufted Titmouse has a black forehead and a feathery grey crest on top of their heads. They have a really pleasant and nice tune with around 20 different beat variants. They employ these various rhymes in various situations, resulting in a varied type of song depending on the circumstances.
Habitat & Food
These birds are reluctant to build open and exposed nests. So, when it comes to building a home for themselves as well as for their offspring, they tend to live in cavities that are present in trees. Grains, seeds from various tiny plants, and herbs are among their favorite meals.
These birds can also forage on berries, small fruits, and nuts. These birds also eat worms, beetles, flies, wasps, and hornets in addition to these.
4. Red-bellied Woodpecker
These birds have stripes on their bodies that remind one of the zebra stripes Red-bellied Woodpeckers appear strange. This bird’s underbelly and breast will be white, with several splashes of red color, notably on the belly, where a prominent red patch can be seen.
These birds have a long, red crown that reaches the nape of the neck and a white face with a splash of red on the cheeks. The beak of these birds has lengthy, straighter, and thick black.
These birds are 9.4 inches long from nose to tail and also have wingspans ranging from 12 to 16.5 inches wide.
Habitat & Food
These birds adore the woods, preferring acorns, pines, maple, and hickory trees in particular. They do, however, venture out frequently, exploring the yard and the feeders they find there.
Grapes shelled peanuts and SuetSuet is amongst their most preferred foods.
5. Mourning Dove
Throughout the United States, mourning doves are the most common and widespread backyard bird. This is an important species to compare to an unknown bird. From beak tip to tail tip, it’s around 12 inches long.
Mourning doves have a size similar to northern flicker. More than double the size of an American Robin. Smaller than the domestic city pigeon. Their tail is long and pointed, and they have chubby head with a little spherical skull. The birds’ legs are short, and their beak is small and narrow.
They have a pale brown-pink body with darker wings and a white edge on the side of their tail. They are usually spotted in semi-open places such as cities, farmlands, and woods. They are visible and frequently perched on wires and fences.
It lives in the lower 48 states and Mexico, with limited winter migration out of northern locations. They feed on a variety of nuts and are predominantly herbivores.
6. Common Grackle
The Common Grackle, also known as Quiscalus quiscula, is a big songbird belonging to the Icteridae family that is native to North America. The eyes of this bird are white with a little black mark on them. They have a longer tail, a black slate bill, and a larger stature. They are a year-round resident of the north, but they do move to other regions of the country.
Black wings, a gleaming golden throat, and black underparts distinguish this bird. Male and their counterpart females are nearly identical and cannot be distinguished based on looks. The male and female groups of these birds are slightly different, but it is difficult to tell them apart from a distance.
These birds are omnivores, and they pay recurrent visits to tray feeders in order to fill their bellies. Small birds, rodents, bugs, worms, minnows, lizards, larvae, fruits, seeds, and small grains of crops are among their favorite foods. They compete with other birds for food as well.
7. White-throated Sparrow
White-throated Sparrows possess brown backs and medium-length brown wings with two faint wing bars marks that can be seen if you look closely, as well as long brown tails. This bird’s underbelly and chest are white, with a broad brown border on the sides.
These Sparrows can be located deep in the forests, but they also prefer open regions, particularly those near water. In the winter, search for them on the forest’s edge, in open spaces of woods near a bog or a pond, or somewhere there is a little thick brush cover.
These birds love to visit backyard feeders, so make sure you leave something tasty out for them. The White-throated Sparrow prefers White Proso millet and Black Oil Sunflower seeds. To capture their attention, scatter little seeds around the base of the feeder, and use a ground feeder for optimal results.
8. Carolina Chickadee
Chickadees are widespread feeder birds all across North America. In the southeastern part of the united states, these birds are widespread and are huge in number. The body is round, the head is round, and the tail is longer. Short, sturdy, and straight. The above is grey. Below, it’s a lot lighter. A black cap with a white face and a black bib.
Forested residential areas and deciduous woodlands at lower elevations. Chickadees are unable to chew as well as sparrows, so they will take one huge sunflower seed from your feeder at a time and fly off to a limb to pound it open with their sturdy bills.
Hops between leaves and stems, trying to glean food from the surface, and often hangs upturned to grasp the inside of branches. Hovering, it eats and may fly out in mid-air to catch flies. .they also store food for later use and are very much attracted towards feeders having suet or seeds. Insects and seeds make up the majority of their food.
From hopper feeders, they will eat black oil sunflower seeds.
9. House Finch
The House Finch, also known as Haemorhous mexicanus, is a tiny bird belonging to the Finch family. These birds are particularly gregarious bird that frequently visits human settlements. their first abode was in the western part of the united states, but now they are prevalent throughout all parts of the united states. They are also bold and daring birds, as they will approach humans without hesitation.
The male House Finch utilizes a high-pitched whistle to lure the female House Finch for breeding. The average adult House Finch measures 5.1 to 6.2 inches long, has a wingspan of 9.9 inches, and weighs 21 grams.
The overall plumage and feather color of a male House Finch differs from that of a female.
The plumage color of the males is dark brown, whereas the females have pale color when compared to the males. These birds can be seen visiting bird feeders. Tiny insects, bugs, seeds from young plants, and berries from certain plants are all favorites of House Finches.
10. Carolina Wren
Carolina Wrens possess brown backs, tiny wings, and lengthy, perky tails with a little ”checkerboarding” in the form of small black and white dots on the wings and tail edges.
The bottom and breast of this bird are of orange color, and the lower half of its head is white with a little charcoal at the cheekbones, brown eyeliner underneath a white brow line, and a brown crest extending all the way back.
These birds have dark-colored beaks that are long and slightly curved. These fluffy little birds range in size from 4.7 to 5.5 inches in length, with wingspans of 11.4 inches on average.
These birds prefer the woods and prefer dense vegetation, so look for thickets, brambles, and thorns nearby if you want to see a Carolina Wren.
Black Oil and Suet Sunflower seeds will be fine for this bird at any time of year, but as the weather becomes cooler, try to add some fresh berries to the mix. You will be adored by these tiny Wrens.
11. American Goldfinch
A lovely little finch with vivid yellow summer plumage that many people are familiar with. A “wild canary,” as it’s known informally.
This is an important species to compare to an unknown bird. Size: About 5 inches long from beak tip to tails tip. Its size is comparable to that of a chickadee. These birds are smaller than hummingbirds, with big heads and short tails. They are little and pudgy.
The beaks of these birds are pinkish, conical, and short. In the summer, the males are bright lemon yellow with a blackhead, black wingspan and tail, and white bars. The tail coverts’ undersides are white. Females have a dull brown coloration and browner tails and wings than males. Winter birds are mild grayish-yellow in hue with brown wings and tails.
This species can be seen growing with thorns and other plants in fields and slopes. It may be viewed in all states of the US throughout the year. It tends to move north to Canada throughout the summer.
During the winter, they can be found all the way down to the Mexican border. The flying is very undulating, rising and sinking in brief spurts as they flap their wings. It eats weed seeds and thistle seeds. Black oil sunflower seeds from the tube feeder may be eaten. Nyjer seed in a “thistle sock” feeder is a favorite of these majestic birds.
12. Blue Jay
The Blue Jay is an indigenous bird to eastern North America, but it may also be found in other parts of the globe. They like to hatch in the forests and love to live in the wild. With white on the breast and azure on the rear and wings, they have a stunning blue and white look.
Both the female and the male have the same body color, size, and mass, as well as the same wingspan. The typical physical length of a Blue Jay is 22–30 cm.
It is possible for them to weigh up to 99 grams. Blue Jays wear a puffy crest on their heads to show their feelings or mood. A black line runs around the Blue Jay’sJay’s neck. Their preferred foods include nuts, berries, bugs, and caterpillars. They can break a range of nuts with ease.
The pair in the trees, with the female caring for the nestlings once they hatch and the male, is providing her with all of the food she needs. They spend around two months with their parents before heading out on their own.
13. Eastern Towhee
Eastern Towhee is a little new world sparrow. Their plumage is a mix of black, brown, and white colors, giving them a wonderful look. These birds are also migratory, migrating to various areas of the United States.
The Eastern Towhee has rufous on both sides and a white belly. Their tail is lengthy, dark black, and has white dots or borders. The Eastern Towhee’sTowhee’s eyes are crimson. Males and females differ slightly in appearance.
Males have a black tail and top body parts, and females have a brown tail and upper body parts. The Eastern Towhee has a body length of 17 to 22.9 cm and a wingspan of about 20–30 cm. A grown-up bird of this specie can weigh anything from 32 to 53 grams.
Habitat & Food
Eastern Towhees build their nests in shrubs or small trees. They have a melodious tone which is very helpful when they intend to attract female birds for mating purposes. When it comes to feeding, they don’t have any typical preferences, and they eat a variety of things ranging from flies, beetles, bugs, and many other invertebrates.
This bird enjoys White Proso millet Nyjer thistle, which you may mix together or offer separately to attract them to your feeders. They also consume green vegetable waste, nuts, cereals, cherries, and small fruits.
14. Indigo Bunting
These birds have beautiful plumage that is totally indigo blue. Their tiny wings make their small, rounded tails appear longer, and when they molt, you might notice a little grey in their plumage.
Female Buntings are olive-brown in appearance with strong streaking on the underside and breast and blue dots on the wings, rump, and tail, while immature males have a highly blue-patched olive-brown tint.
The beaks of these birds are medium in length, robust, and conical in shape. These small birds are 4.7 to 5.1 inches long and have a wingspan of 7.6 to 8.8 inches wide.
Indigo Buntings prefer brush cover, so seek for them in overgrown areas, bushes, and sing from high branches when they’re not foraging.
15. Eastern Kingbird
The backs of Eastern Kingbirds are dark grey to black, with long wings with some white border and lengthy, square-tipped tails with white tips. This bird’s underbelly and breast are also paper-white, and this extends to the head, with white on the neck and enclosing the cheeks from below. These birds have straight, broad, medium-length bills, and the upper regions of their faces will be dark grey or black.
Length & Habitat
These birds are about the size of Robins, measuring 7.5–9.1 inches from nose to tail and with wingspans of 13–15 inches. These birds enjoy wide spaces, so search for them in meadows, grasslands, and marshes, where they want to be near water.
They also enjoy spending their winters in the Southern part of America, where they gorge themselves on fruits. If you leave some halved citrus or chopped cherries out, you might just attract the attention of these birds.
In this write-up, a variety of Delaware birds have been discussed. We have discussed their preferences when it comes to eating. What sort of things do they love to eat, and what type of meals should you introduce in your backyard feeders if you are looking to lure these birds to your backyards.
Moreover, their physical features have also been talked about. This will help you identify these birds. We have seen that these birds have vibrant plumages, and they have a distinctive appearance.
Which birds compete for food with other birds?
Common grackles can be seen in a brawl with other birds.
Which bird uses its whistle to attract female birds?
House finch use their whistles to attract female birds.
What are omnivore birds?
Those birds whose diet is comprised of green plants as well as small animals.
Which is the state bird of Delaware?
Blue hen chicken is known to be the state bird of Delaware.
Last Updated on March 22, 2023 by Lily Aldrin
Miss Lily Aldrin good for you my girl becoming an Ornithologist. Question, in Eastern Delaware, you don’t talk about the different little finches only the yellow or the different hummingbirds. We have a number of different colored hummingbirds.